Monday, November 10, 2014

Student Teaching

Time to Leave
I am doing my student teaching and it is well shall I say...hard. I feel like I am trying to swim up stream, but I'm caught in a current. Not only am I not going up stream but I feel like I am drowning.

In my major at BYU we have a junior high/middle school experience as well as a high school experience. I am finished with the junior high and now I am at the high school. I feel like it is a lot harder... but maybe its just because I made it through the junior high and it is in the past. Its not really the teaching that is hard but more all the logistical things... like getting papers copied. Sounds ridiculous that that is one of my main stresses... but its true.

I do want to say that I enjoy teaching. But it will (I hope) be easier after I have taught for longer.

...19 more days....